About I Meditate Washington DC


What is I Meditate DC?

“Creating a Stress Free Violence Free Washington DC through Meditation.” I Meditate DC is a movement across the DC Metro region to revive meditation — a centuries old technique — to help you, today’s Washingtonian, do more of the things you love by recharging yourself. We offer classes, free workshops, and events that promote meditation and bring together meditation groups across the region.

Who is Behind It?

‘I Meditate DC’ is powered by the Art of Living Foundation, a non-profit organization that carries on Sri Sri’s mission to create a stress-free, violence-free planet through transformational personal development programs and global service projects in more than 150 countries world-wide (http://www.artofliving.org/).
| 202.332.5433

2401 15th ST NW, Washington DC 20009
© 2024 IMeditateDC.org